iCarly: iBattle Chip Review


Two nights ago, there was a new episode of iCarly entitled “iBattle Chip”. While it is fresh in my mind, I will review it.

First of all, while the plot was not entirely original, the episode itself was decent. The subplot was just a tiny bit more entertaining than the main plot. I’l cover the subplot first. It was original, but the references to “Galaxy Wars” are getting kind of annoying. At times I wish they would just say “Star Wars”. It was nice to see Sam stand up for a complete stranger and even funnier when, after being saved, the stranger asked Sam, “Can I hug you?”. Even I felt bad when Gibby started crying after his toy was broken, but was relieved after Freddie fixed it. It seemed kind of unnecessary for Gibby to melt the kitchen door twice, however.

Now to the main plot. When I first heard this was a Chuck episode, I figured we would see him at least once, but this was not the case (not that I’m complaining; I don’t like it when he abuses Spencer). Guess we probably won’t be seeing him for a while now that he is at military school. Man, for a nine-year-old, Chip looked extremely dangerous when they first showed him. Like I said, I don’t particularly enjoy it when Spencer gets beaten up by kids and this was no exception. First of all, he is at least 20 years older than Chip. He should be able to handle the situation without being scared and he certainly should not be beaten up by someone that is that young. Nevertheless, one of the episode’s funniest quotes was probably, Carly: Who did this to you? Spencer: Dora the Explorer! Who else?! Finally, it was cool that the subplot and the main plot combined and that in the end, Spencer got the last laugh. It will be interesting to see if Chuck returns.

So overall, decent episode with two interesting plots.

P.S. In my “Goliad” review for Adventure Time, I said I would review an episode of Regular Show next, but I need to view it again for me to review it; it has been a week since I last saw it. Sorry for the confusion this may have caused.