Regular Show Reviews: Meteor Moves

I know it is a little late, but it is time to review Regular Show’s latest episode, Meteor Moves.
Before I get to that, however, I feel I should say something about this show. Right now, it is skating on very thin ice for me. Most of this season’s episodes have gone three routes: 1. They’ll have incredibly dumb plots. 2. They’ll have incredibly forgettable plots, or 3. They’ll be about Muscle Man, my least favorite character. This episode has made it into that first category. It’s been two weeks since Mordecai kissed Margaret and he plans to make the next move at a meteor shower. We have some potential here and the two even have a conversation that looks like it could have gone somewhere. But alas, Rigby has to swoop in and ruin everything. For some reason, even after seeing the ending of this episode, which was positive, I’m still not impressed. Several episodes before this have ended similarly and were never brought up again, although it may be for tonight’s new episode (which looks incredibly stupid by the way).
Well, that’s all for now.

Adventure Time Reviews: One Last Job

Hello everyone. I know it’s been a long time, but I’m back to reviewing shows. Up first, like last time, is Adventure Time. Specifically, it is the most recent episode “One Last Job”.

So what’s the plot? Jake’s daughter Jake Jr. is kidnapped, so Jake is forced to join up with his old gang, which was briefly hinted at in “Apple Thief”. There are several reasons I like this episode. First, all of these characters in Jake’s gang were mentioned in “My Two Favorite People”, an episode that came out over 100 episodes ago. I love throwbacks like that and season 5 really seems to be doing this. I also liked the multiple twists during the episode. It really kept me on my toes! It is also good to see Jake’s kid again, but it kind of makes me want to see his other ones. Oh well. Bottom line, it was good, but not great. Next week is Another Five Short Graybles, which should be interesting.

Next Review: Regular Show’s Meteor Moves